Officer Bio's

My name is Stephen Sallows,I'm Captain /EMT on the fire department. I started in Feb of 2002 my additional assignments include being the training and personnel officer for PBFD/RCFPD.

Chiefs Reports

RCFPD has responded to a few Carbon Monoxide Alarms as of late. I thought it would good to post some facts on Carbon Monoxide and CO detectors.

Signs and symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning may include:

  • Dull headache
  • Weakness
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Shortness of breath
  • Confusion
  • Blurred vision
  • Loss of consciousness

Carbon monoxide poisoning can be especially dangerous for people who are sleeping or intoxicated. People may have irreversible brain damage or even be killed before anyone realizes there's a problem.

When to see a doctor:

The warning signs of carbon monoxide poisoning can be subtle. But the condition is a life-threatening medical emergency. If you think you or someone you're with may have carbon monoxide poisoning, get into fresh air and seek emergency medical care.

How much is a carbon monoxide detector?

Stand-alone carbon monoxide detectors typically cost $20-$50. For example, a First Alert digital plug-in carbon monoxide alarm with a backup battery costs $39. A basic battery-operated unit costs $20. Some carbon monoxide detectors are combined with smoke detectors.

What do you do if your carbon monoxide detector goes off?

Press the Mute Button to temporarily quiet the alarm, then call 911 or the Fire Department. Immediately move everyone to a source of fresh air. Moving outside is the safest solution. Leave the CO alarm where it is (The emergency responders will want to check it when they arrive).

Do you have to have a carbon monoxide detector?

CO detectors are only required for houses that have either an attached garage, fireplace or gas heater or appliance. Technically, if a house ran on electric only, had no fireplace and a detached garage, it does not need a carbon monoxide detector.

Where do you place a carbon monoxide detector?

In order to ensure that your home has maximum protection, it's important to have a CO detector on every floor. Five feet from the ground. Carbon monoxide detectorscan get the best reading of your home's air when they are placed five feet from the ground. Near every sleeping area.

Port Byron Volunteer Firefighters Association has CO detectors, Smoke Detectors and Batteries. If you are in need of one stop by the Station.

Stay Safe!

Chief Don Carey